Conor A McCammon


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Marc Hand: CEO & Chairman of the Board. marc@highway29.

Highway 29 Media

Highway 29 MediaSaving local news in Napa ValleyHighway 29 MediaMarc

Napa Life Extra

Archive IssuesNews and feature stories of the Napa ValleyNapa Valley

Yountville Sun

Yountville SunThe Yountville Sun is a weekly print newspaper covering

Calistoga Tribune

Calistoga TribuneThe Tribune is a weekly newspaper in Calistoga. Click

Napa Valley Insider

Napa Valley InsiderThe insider information for Napa Valley residents, visitors,

Why Local News Matters

Napa Valley News Group, supported by Highway 29’s earlier

Our Mission

In the heart of Napa Valley, where stories of community, innovation, and resilience flourish among the rolling vineyards, a new chapter in the preservation of local news began with the founding of the Napa Valley News Group.